VR workshop 

Challenge – Innovate VR applications for social impact

On August 12th 2016, 20 designers, strategists, architects, educators, business executives, and city officials, joined a multi-day work session to envision new use cases for how Virtual and Augmented Reality platforms can help design for impact.

  • Immerse a varied group of leaders in the latest VR technology
  • Develop a VR specific innovation toolkit


Getting participants fully engaged during a 2-day workshop halfway into a weekend is usually hard to pull off. What Viktor and the Pull team accomplished was a carefully choreographed immersion into the future of collaboration, communication and consumer experiences that successfully alternated discovery, play, and brainstorming around the affordances Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented reality technologies present us with. I’ve taken part in several similar workshops just in the last year and this one was by far one of the most inspiring ones.
— Safir Bellali, Vans Innovation Lead


We asked an overarching question - “How can the existing immersive technologies make us healthier, safer, more productive, and smarter in the near future?”.

After receiving hands-on exposure to the main VR and AR platforms, the participants were divided into groups to tackle specific challenges in the verticals of Health, Tourism, Civic Planning, Human Capital, and Training.


#vr, #ar, #workshop